Balidis Miltos
PhD, FEBOphth, ICOPhth
Surgeon of the Cornea and the anterior segments
Trained at Moorfields Eye Hospital
Member of the International Society of Refractive Surgery of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (ISRS|AAO)
Graduate of the medical school of the Democritus University of Thrace. Doctor of the University of Thrace. Honorary examiner of the European patent of Ophthalmology.
Diploma of the European Council of ophthalmology (EBOD). Diploma part1 FRCS. Specialization for four years at the University of London. Specialization for two years at the Moorfields Eye Hospital in London (fellowship glaucoma, anterior segment). For ten years, Postdoctoral Research Associate in the ophthalmology clinic of AHEPA hospital (corneal transplant section). Scientific Director and Head of the Division of refractive surgery at the Medical Center of Northern Greece, Interbalcanic.
- Recognized Representative of Greece to the Council of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (HSIRS).
- Board Member of the Greek Society IOL and Refractive Surgery (EEEFDX). Secretary of the Panhellenic Ophthalmological Society (WTO).
- Member of the Medical Association of Thessaloniki, member of various medical societies.
- Co-founder of the «Model Ophthalmological Center of Thessaloniki» corneal surgery department responsible.