Дерматологические проблемы

Skin moles
Moles are benign tumors of the skin. They can be found anywhere on the human body, in a variety of type, shape, size and color shade.
They may appear during childhood and slowly grow in size or they may remain unchanged. They may also appear incidentally during adulthood. These lesions are usually not dangerous and direct excision is not necessary.
What is necessary is the patient to be closely followed up by the plastic surgeon and in those cases that the moles are multiple, a mapping to be performed by the dermatologist.A mole should be excised, when is often injured by clothing, when its appearance raises concerns or when is aesthetically unacceptable. Excision is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthetic and the lesion is sent for pathology. When sutures are removed the patient will be given specific instructions regarding wound care, in order to achieve the best possible cosmetic result.
Cysts are benign lesions that can be found anywhere on the human body. They present as organized masses beneath the skin. Usually they are only palpable, but sometimes they van increase in size and become conspicuous causing functional and aesthetic problems. Cysts can remain stable in size for years, can slowly grow or even become inflamed. In this case antibiotic therapy is necessary to control inflammation.
Excision of a cyst is a surgical procedure, can be done on an outpatient basis, using local anesthetic and the specimen is sent for pathology report.
If the cyst is big and extensive, then extra skin and subcutaneous tissue will be excised as well. In these cases plastic surgery offers a variety of surgical flaps, which are cleverly designed to the nearby skin, so that the wound is properly closed. When sutures are removed, the patient will be given specific instructions regarding wound care, in order to achieve the best possible cosmetic result.
Lipomas are accumulation of fat tissue, that may be found in different areas of the body. Usually they appear as round soft masses beneath the skin.
Excision of a lipoma is a surgical procedure, can be done on an outpatient basis, using local anesthetic and the specimen is sent for pathology report.
If the lipoma is big and extensive, then extra skin and subcutaneous tissue will be excised with the lipoma. In these cases plastic surgery offers a variety of surgical flaps, which are cleverly designed to the nearby skin, so that the wound is properly closed. When sutures are removed, the patient will be given specific instructions regarding wound care, in order to achieve the best possible cosmetic result.
Heamangioma is a vascular anomaly that usually appears during neonatal age, grow rapidly during infancy and regresses in childhood.
50% of heamangiomas resolve by the age of 5, 70% by the age of 7 and 90% be the age of 9 years old.
Nevertheless 50-75% of heamangiomas cause an aesthetic issue after their involution.
In case a heamangioma doesn’t resolve and cause functional or aesthetic issues, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the problem and suggest the right therapy.
This may include multiple laser sessions or injection of drug substances. When these treatments fail to succeed or are contraindicated, then surgical excision is necessary.