Who is the Diabetes Clinic for?
The Clinic addresses patients with:
- Type 2 DM
- Type 1 DM
- Other forms of DM
- Gestational diabetes
It is also aimed at people with prediabetes or those with a family history of DM who need periodic evaluation.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of DM
In the Diabetes Clinic, the following activities are carried out regarding the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of DM, as well as the early recognition and treatment of its long-term complications:
- Diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes. Reversing prediabetes means a reduced likelihood of cardiovascular and other diabetes complications and an increase in life expectancy.
- Educating patients with prediabetes and clinical diabetes in proper nutrition by providing individualized diets and physical activity (exercise).
- Regular monitoring of body weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference to control abdominal obesity.
- Education in the early recognition of early symptoms and signs that may mean diabetes complications.
- Education in diabetes self-monitoring with modern glucose meters.
- Training in continuous glucose monitoring systems (Holter sugar, CGMS) and proper evaluation of their results.
- Administration of personalized medication, when required and explanation in simple words or in writing of the dose and time of taking the medication.
- Fitting, proper training and regular retraining in the use of insulin pumps.
- Training in the use of insulin with modern means of administration (pen or syringe) and the correct way and place of injection.
Why is patient education so important?
Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease that goes away with a surgery or a week’s worth of medication. It is a chronic metabolic disease that requires the persistent and daily intervention of the patient themselves. The patient has the obligation to be informed about the disease and to be educated on its treatment. He must also be cooperative and formal in the instructions of the diabetologist. When the patient manages to be educated, dozens of problems related to the course of the disease and its complications are automatically solved. Therefore, the education of the patient is of primary importance for the positive outcome of DM.
Patient education in the prevention, recognition and treatment of hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is the main limiting factor in the correct regulation of diabetes. In the Clinic, the patient and their companions are also trained in unrecognized hypoglycemia, that is one that occurs without classic symptoms and which can quickly lead to a hypoglycemic coma if not treated.
Regular ophthalmological examination in patients with Diabetes Mellitus
In collaboration with the fully equipped Ophthalmology Department, a regular eye examination and early diagnosis and treatment of all the damage that diabetes can cause to the various parts of the human eye are carried out.
Complete control of the cardiovascular system
There is also the possibility of a full and regular check of the cardiovascular system, depending on the case, with innovative bloodless methods and in collaboration with the various laboratories of the hospital:
- Ultrasounds
- Axial and magnetic tomography
- Fatigue test
- Leaning test
- 24-hour recording of heart rate and blood pressure
- Angiography
As a result, the serious cardiovascular complications of diabetes are detected and treated in a timely manner in the best way by the various special departments of St Luke’s, and patients gain time and quality of life.
Prevention and early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
In collaboration with the Nephrology Department, there is prevention, early diagnosis and delay in the progression of diabetic nephropathy, which is the most common cause of end-stage renal failure (dialysis), if not treated in a timely manner.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot
It is absolutely important to promptly prevent, diagnose and treat the lesions of the lower limbs that are collectively characterized as diabetic foot and are due to:
- Peripheral vasculopathy
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Infections
The main element is diabetic ulcers. They are treated in collaboration with the special Diabetic Foot Clinic and the other specialties, such as general surgery, vascular surgery and orthopedics.
Diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes
St Luke’s specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all cases of gestational diabetes, whether pre-existing or first-onset, during pregnancy with the administration of personalized nutrition and insulin therapy, when required, with the aim of achieving an excellent pregnancy outcome and avoiding serious immediate and long-term complications complications for mother and baby caused by uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy.
Diagnosis and treatment of secondary diabetes
Patients come to the Diabetes Clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of cases of secondary diabetes, such as the one that accompanies:
- Various endocrinopathies
- Diseases of the pancreas
- Cystic fibrosis (CF)
- Administration of diabetogenic drugs
- Genetic disorders
- Other rarer genetic syndromes
- Emergencies
The Diabetes Clinic also accepts emergency cases 24 hours a day for life-threatening acute diabetes disorders, such as:
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Hyperglycemic comas
- Severe hypoglycemia
- Hypoglycemic comas
Also, sugar dysregulation accompanying other conditions that lead to hospitalization of patients, as well as prolonged hospitalization and increased morbidity and mortality, are treated, such as:
- Infections
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
- Operations.