Dr. Ioannis Papagiannopoulos
The surgeon – proctologist Ioannis Papagiannopoulos, has specialized abroad in important centers of reference in proctology, anal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, surgical oncology and breast surgery. He is active in Thessaloniki, as a surgeon – proctologist at the Agios Loukas clinic.
He graduated from the Medical School of Milan in 2000 (Universita degli Studi di Milanao) and after examinations to obtain a medical license in Italy, he worked as a general practitioner until 2003, when he acquired, after examinations, the position of a salaried specialist in the general medical school. of surgery of the University of Turin (Universita degli Studi di Torino).
During his specialty he was trained as a Proctologist – Surgeon (Cyst, Coccyx, Hemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Anal fistula, Intra-anal warts, Constipation, Anal incontinence, Procranial proctosis, Proctoral ulcer
In 2009, after the official recognition of the specialty time abroad, he continued his education as a salaried trainee at the University Surgery Clinic at the G. Gennimatas Hospital of Thessaloniki and then obtained the title of General Surgeon with examinations.Since 2014 he has been working as a Special Minimally Invasive Surgeon Proctologist in Thessaloniki specializing in the treatment of diseases with diode LASER.
From 2014 until today, he attended as a research associate, for a total of 2 months in the Department of Pancreatic Oncology Surgery of the University of Verona in Italy, Prof. Claudio Bassi MD FACS, Unit of General and Pancreatic, G.B. Rossi Hospital, Verona, Italy, as well as the latest developments in breast oncoplasty at the 22 Breast Cancer Live Surgery Course, European Institute of Oncology, Via Ripamonti 435, Milano, Italy.
Since January 2018, he has been an Official Associate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the First University Surgery of the General Hospital of Papageorgiou, in the department of breast oncology surgery, under the direction of Vassilios Papadopoulos, Professor of Surgery, AUTh.
2019: Retraining in Italy Master of Diagnostic and interventional Breast Ultrasound Italian School of Senology ONLUS
2019: Postgraduate Training in Germany Advansed Laser Treatment in Proctology, Marien Hospital Witten, Germay