Kosmidis Mary

Kosmidis Mary

Kosmidis Mary

Clinical Psychologist

Mary H. Kosmidis, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with a subspecialty in neuropsychology, and a Professor and the Head of the School of Psychology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from American University, Washington, DC (1992) and worked as a staff fellow at the NIMH conducting research in psychophysiology and neuropsychology. 
Since 1999, she has been on the faculty of the School of Psychology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in Greece, teaching and doing research in clinical neuropsychology. Specifically, her research interests focus on investigations of the pathophysiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders through the study of dysfunctional cognitive mechanisms and their implications for optimal intervention, cognitive correlates of illiteracy, early signs of cognitive decline among the elderly and protective factors against neurodegenerative conditions, and cross-cultural issues in neuropsychological assessment, including test development/adaptation.
She has published three original books in Greek, 15 book chapters and over 180 scientific journal articles. Her research has been awarded several grants (NIH, European Commission, Hellenic Ministry of Education, AUTh). She currently represents Greece (via the Association of Greek Psychologists) as a member of the Standing Committee for Clinical Neuropsychology of the European Psychologists’ Associations.
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