

What is Neurology?

Neurology is the specialty that deals with the study of the pathology of the nervous system, namely of the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves. In other words, a neurologist is a pathologist for the nervous system. Neurology for many years has been a separate specialty from Psychiatry, which deals with purely mental diseases and disorders that have psychogenic causes and not with organic diseases of the nervous system.
The Neurological department of St Luke’s is staffed by experienced neurologists, specialized in some of the most common neurological diseases. The latest technology equipment, combined with the many years of experience of the medical and nursing staff, contribute to the flawless operation of the department, as well as to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various neurological diseases. Despite the large number of patients in need of neurological monitoring at the hospital, the people of the department serve all those who visit the department with the highest quality of care.
The Neurological department of St Luke’s has the possibility of full hospitalization, investigation and treatment of patients with acute or chronic neurological diseases.
Which patients does the Neurology department address?
  • Common diseases that fall into the realm of neurology are:
  • Vascular strokes
  • Epilepsies
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Dementias
  • Polyneuropathies
  • Myopathies
  • Myasthenia
  • Different forms of headache
  • Symptoms that often need to be evaluated by a neurologist are:
  • Weakness – generalized or that involving one or both limbs
  • The numbness
  • The headache
  • Unsteadiness in walking
  • Trembling in some parts of the body.

Human resources of the Neurology department

The Neurology department is staffed with specialist neurologists, who, in addition to dealing with general Neurology, have additional specializations in specific subspecialties of Neurology. They, in collaboration with the nursing staff, provide 24-hour consultation coverage and care at the hospital. In addition, St Luke’s neurologists are responsible for the treatment of patients who need to be admitted and stay at the hospital, as well as for their laboratory investigation, often in collaboration with other departments of the hospital.

Examinations conducted in the department

  • The EEG
  • Neurophysiological testing (electromyogram, evoked potentials)
  • The Transcranial Ultrasound of the brain vessels
  • Long-term video-electroencephalographic recording
  • The complete study of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

In collaboration with other laboratories in Greece or abroad, there is also the possibility of genetic testing in the case of various hereditary diseases of the nervous system. Finally, in collaboration with other specialties, it is possible to perform a dynamic swallowing study for patients with corresponding problems.

Hospitalization in the Neurology department

Hospitalization possibilities for patients with neurological diseases at St Luke’s concern both acute and chronic cases, as there is the possibility after the acute phase of their disease to be connected to the Physical Rehabilitation department that operates at the hospital.
Philosophy of the department
The goal of the people of the department is to accompany the patient throughout the course of the disease, providing consultation and treatment of high standards. Knowing that many patients walk chronically with their underlying neurological diseases, the philosophy of the medical and nursing staff is to be next to the patients and their needs.

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