Ergotherapy or Occupational therapy


The challenges faced by those who may have limitations in carrying out a daily activity are great. Patients who have suffered a stroke, or patients with multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease, people with quadriplegia, or paraplegia, need major support and guidance in their daily lives.

ANAGENNISI has the properly trained specialists and the right technological means to:


  • Retrain the individual in various self-care techniques (getting dressed, eating, personal care, transportations, bathing, etc.)
  • Improve mobility and especially the subtle hand function.
  • Deal with and mitigate comprehension disorders.
  • Help prevent injuries.
  • Adjust all activities that cannot be performed in the way they were before the onset of the illness or disability.
  • Evaluate and train in the handling of special equipment: wheelchairs, bathroom stools and chairs, walkers, splints, standing frames and braces, dressing aids, etc.
  • The main goal of the OT Department at ANAGENNISI is to help people maximize their autonomy and maintain their ability to move and function throughout life.

Contact us to send you more information about the available programs!

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