Orthopedic rehabilitation

Botulinum therapy

Orthopedic rehabilitation is a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures, which is aimed at maximizing possible restoration of the patient’s lost abilities after injuries and operations. Recovery plays a very important role, especially in the field of orthopedics and traumatology, where the patient after serious illnesses and trauma loses the most vital skills and abilities. The main task is to restore the patient’s muscle strength, as well as prevention of recurrence or complications.

In modern operative medicine, the latest technologies, experience and skill of specialists are used for saving lives, the most precious goods. But it is important to understand that even the most exquisite work of a surgeon cannot always fully restore a patient’s health and quality of life, or even bring them closer to healing without a full course of rehabilitation.

Restorative treatment is carried out using traditional methods that have proven useful and efficient for many years. In the complex rehabilitation of patients, they form the basis of non-drug methods. Widely used are methods such as laser therapy, alternating magnetic field, impulse currents, various baths and healing showers.

The goals of restorative diagnostics:

  • prevention of disability of patients;
  • objectification of the degree of anatomical and functional disorders;
  • assessment of the severity of the defect;
  • determination of the characteristics of the psychological status.


  • collection of complaints, anamnesis, assessment of somatic status;
  • assessment of neurological status;
  • assessment of orthopedic status, including clinical analysis of movements, to determine the system of movement disorders;
  • psychological testing;
  • consultations of specialists (surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapist and others according to indications);
  • clinical blood tests, urine, biochemical tests – renal, hepatic screening, hemostasis;
  • X-ray studies;
  • ECG and other (according to indications) research methods.


  • Physiotherapy using classical and modern methods such as Bobath (Baby-bobat), Mackenzie, Mulligan Concept, PNF method, therapeutic gymnastics,
  • Kinesiotherapy, kinesio taping, SI method for children, etc.
  • Hydrotherapy (therapeutic pool, AQUA-PNF method,
  • hydrotherapy massage with water jet, special
  • lift for people with disabilities).
  • Ergotherapy using classical methods and modern devices such as Hocoma, Armeo spring, Nirvana, etc.
  • Logotherapy, therapy of swallowing and speech disorders.
  • Psychological, neuropsychological and cognitive counseling (additional payment).
  • Retraining of cognitive functions, social adaptation, learning the skills of everyday life.
  • The use of modern rehabilitation complexes and devices: Exoskeleton, Lokomat, Armeo, Nirvana, Biodex, Snoezelen and many other modern devices.
  • Use of gyms (1 hour/day).
  • Use of an accessible sports center.
*It should be noted that in each case an individual approach is applied depending on the condition and capabilities of the patient.

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