Rigopoulos Nikolaos
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Nikolaos Rigopoulos is a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatologist. He serves as the Scientific Director in the Trauma Department of the Orthopedic Clinic at the University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece. He also runs a private practice and is the head of the Pediatric Orthopedic Department specializing in gait and motor function disorders at St. Luke’s Clinic in Panorama, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Education and Training:
- Graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty of Aristotle University (1989-1995).
- Completed his residency in Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Thessaly from 2001 to 2005.
Postgraduate Experience:
- From November 1, 2005, to June 15, 2006, he worked as a research fellow in the Trauma Department of the Orthopedic Clinic at the University of Thessaly, under the supervision of Professor Malizos.
- From July 1, 2006, to May 31, 2008, he served as a research fellow in the Trauma Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Southern California, USA, under the guidance of Professor Michail Patzakis.
- From August 1, 2008, to July 31, 2009, he held a research fellowship in the Trauma Department at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina, USA, under the direction of Professor James A. Nunley, M.D.
- After successfully passing the USMLE exams on August 27, 2007, he worked as a research fellow in the Pediatric Trauma Clinic under Professor Robert D. Fitch, M.D.
- In September 2007, he successfully defended his dissertation titled “Therapeutic Algorithm Stage for Hand and Wrist Infections” at the University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece, graduating with honors.
- He is a member of the American Medical Association and the Piedmont Orthopedic Society.
Specializations and Treatments:
- Growth and development disorders
- Internal and external rotation problems
- Flatfoot in children
- Injuries and pathologies in newborns and young children
- Neuromuscular diseases in children
- Scoliosis and kyphosis
- Pediatric Orthopedics
- Roidis NT, Karachalios TS, Rigopoulos N, Poultsides L, Malizos KN, Itamura JM “Osteochondral and/or ligamentous injuries associated with acute radial head fractures” J Bone Joint Surg *Am+, Letter to the editor (e-jbjs Am, 10 June 2004)
- Roidis NT, Papadakis SA, Rigopoulos N, Basdekis G, Poultsides L, Karachalios TS, Malizos KN, Itamura JM “Current concepts and advancements in the management of radial head fractures” Orthopedics. 2006 Oct;29(10):904-16; quiz 917-8. Review
- Ζ.Η. Dailiana, K.N. Malizos, S. Varitimidis, M. Hantes, G. Basdekis, N. Rigopoulos. “Low-molecular-weight heparin for prevention of thrombosis: inverted role” J Trauma. 2007 Mar 14
- Nikolaos RIGOPOULOS, Zoe H. DAILIANA, Sokratis VARITIMIDIS, Michael HANTES, Konstantinos BARGIOTAS &Konstantinos N.MALIZOS “Compartmental infections of the Hand” Scand J PlastReconstrSurg Hand Surg. 2008;42(1):38-42
- Zalavras CG, Rigopoulos N, Poultsides L, Patzakis MJ Increased oxacillin resistance in thigh pyomyositis in diabetic patients. ClinOrthopRelatRes. 2008 Jun;466(6):1405-9. Epub 2008 Mar 8
- Dailiana ZH, Rigopoulos N, Varitimidis SE, Poultsides L, Petinaki E, Malizos KN Clinical and epidemiological features of upper-extremity infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus carrying the PVL gene: a four-year study in Greece.MedSciMonit. 2008 Oct;14(10):CR511-4
- Malizos KN, Gougoulias NE, Dailiana ZH, Rigopoulos N, Moraitis T Relapsed clubfoot correction with soft-tissue release and selective application of Ilizarov technique. StrategiesTraumaLimbReconstr. 2008 Dec;3(3):109-17. Epub 2008 Dec 5
- Zalavras CG, Rigopoulos N, Ahlmann E, Patzakis MJ “Hip disarticulation for severe lower extremity infection” ClinOrthopRelat Res. 2009 Jul;467(7):1721-6. Epub 2009 Mar 10
- Zalavras CG, Rigopoulos N, Lee J, Learch T, Patzakis MJ “Magnetic resonance imaging findings in hematogenous osteomyelitis of the hip in adults.” ClinOrthopRelatRes. 2009 Jul;467(7):1688-92. Epub 2009 Mar 3
- 1Zalavras CG, Christensen T, Rigopoulos N, Holtom P, Patzakis MJ Infection following operative treatment of ankle fractures. ClinOrthopRelatRes. 2009 Jul;467(7):1715- 20. Epub 2009 Feb 19