Chatzisotiriou Athanasios
Doctor Athanasios Chatzisotiriou graduated from the School of Medicine of Aristotle University with a general grade of “Excellent”. He completed his specialization in Neurosurgery at the University Clinic of the AHEPA hospital in Thessaloniki, while at the same time he prepared a doctoral thesis on the topic “Effect of the transverse section of the spinal cord on the lower motor neuron”, at the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens. In November 2003 he received the title of doctor with a general grade of “Excellent”.
From October 2005 to January 2007, he retrained at the University Neurosurgery Clinic of the Lausanne Hospital (Switzerland) in the Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery group (treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, trigeminal neuralgia, chronic pain).
Doctor Chartzisotiriou Athanasios was elected Lecturer at the Physiology Laboratory of the Medical School of the University of Athens in November 2009, Assistant Professor in October 2015 and permanent Assistant Professor in July 2019. His research interests are focused on neurophysiology and especially on the study of spinal cord and neuromuscular injuries interactions after peripheral nerve damage.
Since 2007, he has been working as a private neurosurgeon at the “Agios Loukas” Clinic in Thessaloniki, practicing the full spectrum of general Neurosurgery (treatment of brain tumors, cervical, thoracic and lumbar diseases). He is a member of the research committee of the European Neurosurgical Society (EANS).