Savvatianos Savvas
Specialist Allergist for Children & Adults
Doctor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Scientific Associate of the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens
- University education at the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Specialization in Pathology at the 2nd Pre-educational Pathology Clinic of AUTh
- Specialization in Allergology at the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens (Aglaia & Panagiotis Kyriakou Children’s Hospital)
Professional experience
- Scientific Associate of the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens
- Head of Allergology Clinic of St Luke’s Hospital for 10 years (2012-2022)
- Former Scientific Associate of the Allergology Department of the 2nd Pre-educational Pathology Clinic of AUTh
Important distinctions
- 1st place among all participants in the Pan-European Knowledge Examinations in Allergology and Clinical Immunology by the European Academy (Istanbul, EAACI 2011) with an overall grade of 87%.
- 1st prize at the Panhellenic Congress of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (Athens, 2012) for the study entitled “Diagnostic accuracy and points of separation & decision in the methods of investigating food allergy to nuts”.
Additional academic/research experience
- Doctoral Dissertation with an ‘excellent’ grade at the University of Athens on “Food allergy and cross-reactivity to nuts and seeds”.
- Principal Investigator in the Therapeutic Protocol for Tolerance Induction (SOTI) in cow’s milk of the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens
- Researcher in the Therapeutic Protocol for the Induction of Tolerance to egg proteins (egg SOTI HA Clinical Study) of the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens
Participation in Scientific Organizations
- Member of the European Academy of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
- Member of the Hellenic Society of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (EEaKa)
- Member of the College of Pediatric Allergology