Spyrou N. Anastassia, MD PhD
Haematologist- Haemostasiologist
University Studies
1996-2001: Study at the Department of Medicine at the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Doctoral Thesis
2004-2009: Title: ”Epidemiological study of Leukemia incidence and mortality in the Greek Population” in the Hygiene Laboratory – Division of Biological Sciences and Preventive Medicine, at the Department of Medicine at the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Supervisor Prof. Katsougiannopoulos Vassileios.Current Positions
Since July 2011: Consultant Haematologist, in charge of the Haematology Station at
Saint Luke’sPrivate Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece
Since May 2011: Scientific Collaborator at the Clinic of Haematology/Oncology
and Division of Haemostasis, Papageorgiou General Hospital ,
July 2008 – February 2011: Resident in Haematology/Oncology at the Clinic of
Haematology/Oncology and Division of Haemostasis,
Papageorgiou General Hospital , Thessaloniki,Greece
January 2010-April 2010: Resident in Haematology/Oncology (Specialty Stemmcell
Transplantation ) at the Bone marrow Transplantation Unit of
the Clinic of Haematology , Papanikolaou General Hospital,
Thessaloniki Greece
September 2010-October 2010: Resident in Haematology (Specialty
Thalassaemias and Sicklecellanaemias) at the Station for
Thalassaemias and Sicklecellanaemias, AHEPAAristoteleion
University Hospital, Thessaloniki,Greece
May 2007-May2008: Resident in Haematology/Oncology at the Clinic of
Haematology/Oncology , ”Theageneion” Oncology Station,
September 2006-March 2007: Resident in Haematology (Specialty
Transfusionmedicine), Bloodbank, Kastoria General Hospital, Greece
October 2004-July 2006: Resident in Paediatrics, Clinic of Paediatrics,
Serres General Hospital, Greece
April 2002-March 2003: State General Practitioner,
Serres General Hospital, GreeceMemberships
- Since 2007 Member of the Greek Medical Association
- Since 2011 Member of the Greek Society of Haematology
- Since 2013 Member of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
- Since 2013 Member of the European Haematology Association
Fields of special interest
• Leukemias
• Anaemias
• Myeloproliferative Disorders
• Lymphoproliferative Disorders
• Platelet Disorders
• Thrombosis
• Congenital and Acquired Thrombophilia
• Thrombophilia in pregnant women
• Utility and Interpretation of Multiplate Platelet Function Analysis and Thromboelastography Results
• TransfusionmedicineSpoken languages: Greek, German, English