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Mulligan concept

Mulligan concept Initially trained by Kaltenborn, Brian Mulligan took traditionally sustained translations and added patient generated active movement to achieve pain free movement and function. Brian Mulligan’s concept of mobilizations with movement (MWMS) in the...

Exericse therapy

Exericse therapy The importance of physical activity and the orientation of exercise therapy in rehabilitation has changed for many chronic health conditions. Exercise therapy is the most applied therapy form within multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs for almost...

Method McKenzie

Method McKenzie This technique has been used for more than thirty years around the world and it is a method of assessing and treating spinal and limb pain. In the MDT classification system, there are three sub-groups or mechanical syndromes (postural, derangement and...


Kinesiotherapy Kinesiotherapy (Greek word kinesis – movement) is the area of physical therapy that deals with the use of the movement for the purpose of treatment, in order to establish optimal functioning of the parts and the organism as a whole. Kinesiotherapy as...

E-Technik – Method Hanke

E-Technik – Method Hanke The Hanke Method, also known as “E-Technik”, is among the less well-known methods used to treat neuromuscular disorders. Since the elements of methods with a strictly neurophysiological mechanism of action are rarely used in...

Method PNF-Kabat

Method PNF-Kabat PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION “PNF”(KNOWN AS KABAT METHOD) MUDr. Herman Kabat (1913-1995) belonged to important american neurophysiologists. Together with physiotherapists Margaret Knott and Dorothy Voss he developed in the...
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