After 8 months Ilya and his father came to Medical and rehabilitation centre “Anagennisi” for treatment.
Within 2 months of treatment the centre’s specialists and the boy, who very happily underwent all the therapies, had some wonderful results. Thanks to the logotherapists’ team’s effort, his salivation decreased, he could pronounce some sounds properly, the dynamics of the chewing and facial muscles got better, the depth and rate of breathing improved, the swallowing reflex improved, and the boy could finally eat chewy food.
Occupational therapists & physiotherapists reduced the intense spasticity of the upper and lower limbs, improved the functions of the grasp reflex & increased the passive-active movements in the ankle, knee and hip joints. The operation, which seemed to be necessary before, could be postponed thanks to these results.
In November Ilya’s little brother was born, so next year the whole family is planning to come to Greece all together. We love him and are waiting for him with anticipation!