Athletic rehabilitation

What is Athletic rehabilitation?
The most common sports injuries:
- Ankle sprain
- Groin pull
- Hamstring strain
- Shin splints
- Knee injury: ACL tear
- Knee injury: Patellofemoral syndrome
- Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)
Treatment methods:
- Bobath therapy: a recognized type of therapy for patients with congenital malformations of the brain and other central nervous system diseases.
- Massage
- Physiotherapy: improves the health and mental state of the patient. Its positive results greatly affect the success of rehabilitation in various diseases. Exercises contribute to strengthening muscles, building the endurance of the body, intensifying blood circulation, improving respiratory and cardiac functions and stabilizing the balance.
- Hydrotherapy: part of physiotherapy, in which water is used water is used for treatment. The physical properties of hydrotherapy are hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, thermal conductivity and heat capacity.
- Gym: the only one that is fully accessible, with Olympic standards, to athletes with special needs in Greece.
- Armeo Spring: rehabilitation complex for functional therapy of upper limbs with extended feedback. The effectiveness of rehabilitation increases through functional, intensive and directed exercises.
- Snoezelen (sensory room): specially equipped space, organized to make everyone in it feel full of peace, comfort and safety, regardless of age and health.
- Thermotherapy: method of heat transfer (heating) or heat removal (cooling) to and from the body for therapeutic purposes. This waythe thermoregulatory reaction of the body with the help of biological activity tends to minimize the temperature changes.
- Electrotherapy: various types of analgesic electrotherapy.
1. IF –interfering currents are important for reducing pain, reducing edema, increasing blood flow through tissues, improving muscle tone. Our specialists use very high frequencies and with the help of special types electrodes we achieve, in addition to the analgesic effect, also the blood and lymph influx.
2. DD – diadynamic currents are used on the surface of the skin, as well as in acute conditions, to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, normalize muscle tone and reduce muscle spasms. Currents are strongly recommended in combination of various forms of diadynamic currents only for limb injuries.
3. TENS – by using surface electrodes, thick afferent nerve fibers are stimulated-an additional flow of impulses to spinal cord. This therapy is recommended for reducing local pain, stimulating muscles and for rheumatic diseases. - Paraffin therapy: paraffin mass applied to a selected area, stimulates a gradual increase in body temperature. There are various methods of paraffin therapy: layering, paraffin bath, cuvette-applique.
Layering- melted paraffin at temperature 55-65 ° C is applied to the corresponding surface of the skin with a flat paint brush 1-2 cm thick. Then the part of the body exposed to paraffin is covered with oilcloth or wax paper and wrapped with a blanket or special coat.
Paraffin bath–a wrist or foot is first coated with paraffin at temperature of 50-55 ° C and then dipped in a vessel, filled with melted paraffin at temperature of 60-65 ° C. To enhance the effect, thermos gloves and thermo boots are used.
Cuvette-applique- melted paraffin is poured into the cuvettes, lined with medical oilcloth. Frozen, but still soft paraffin, is removed from the cuvette with the oilcloth and imposedonthe exposed part of the body, and then covered with a blanket or thermo blanket. - Mulligan Concept: a new approach to solving problems, related to the musculoskeletal system disorders. Also this concept is called mobilization with movement, the patient commits a movement that was painful before.
- Cyriax: a comprehensive treatment type for joints and soft tissues. It includes both aspects of manual therapy: of the spine and large joints, as well as the targeted therapy of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
- McKenzie Method:a comprehensive method of providing pain relief in the musculoskeletal systemof central and peripheral origin. It is based on active involvement and training of the patient to cope with pain in the neck, back and extremities.
- UGUL and Spider: the help of special elastic strands in a multifunctional complex for performing exercises (“Cage”), the patient can take any position in space, verticalization, creation of motor stereotypes, acquisition of movement skills can be achieved.