Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

The man’s face – a personality. This is the first to point out that at the meeting. Face and facial allows a person to express emotions or hide them.
But birth defects or traumatic injuries can cause each of us to hide his face. There is nothing worse than when a person is experiencing tightness due day, few of us can imagine how it is to catch yourself in the sidelong glances on the street or see how at the sight of you people sheepishly lowered his eyes. All this leads to the development of systems and lowering of self-esteem. But it is not only psychological problems, also physical: some diseases do not allow a person to eat properly, talk, smile, or even breathe.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is designed to return the person to his self-confidence and improve the quality of life.
In medical clinics in Greece Would you believe that almost all the defects and injuries can be fixed. Greek surgeons successfully perform prosthetics, are treating injuries facial bones and soft tissues of the face and neck, congenital and acquired defects and deformations, remove tumors and tumor formation, cysts, as well as carry out plastic surgery in the maxillofacial region. All operations are carried out by the most gentle with modern materials, thus avoiding the formation of scars, reduce postoperative pain and reduce the time of soft tissue healing. You will find again the smile and the joy of life.
Specialists of medical treatment team GMTP are designed to help you organize your treatment clinics in Greece. With us you will get all sorts of help and support, including: the selection of a particular specialist and clinic, transfer, transtation of medical records, assistance in obtaining an entry visa, treatment organization, interpreters, accommodation not only in hospitals but also in comfortable apartments near the sea, and more more.