A 40-year-old Russian male came for rehabilitation 2 months after motorcycle accident with the diagnosis of closed brain injury, condition after hematoma of the corpus callosum and motor and hyperkinetic disorders.
Thanks to Dr. Arousoukouris Ioannis (neurologist) and Dr. Alexandros Kallifatidis (radiologist) who discovered a pericallosal artery aneurysms and thanks to Dr. Basilios Zountsas who operated him immediately Clipping of the Aneurysm and full recovery within 5 days.
Case Presentation:
- 40 years old male
- Motorcycle accident 3 months ago
- Interhemispheric hematoma with corpus callosum compression
- Late diagnosis of distal pericallosal artery aneurysma
- Choose of surgery for optimal treatment
- Hospitalization
– 1 day preOP
– 1 day ICU
– 4 days peripheral ward - Complete mobilization in walking since postOP day 2