A serious car accident in 2014 changed the whole life of the young girl. Her life seemed to have ended, when she was diagnosed with late period traumatic spinal cord disease because of fractures of the segments C4-Th1. Many operations followed: laminectomy C4-Th1, revision of the spinal cord of posterior spondylodesis, which led to upper paraparesis and lower diplegia.
In October 2016 Slavyanka and her mother came to Greece for treatment at the Medical & Rehabilitation centre “Anagennisi”. Doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists started their painstaking work. Verticalization, training at everyday activities and an independent life became a very difficult experience for Slavyanka. Nonetheless, patience and love for their job helped her therapists to find the correct approach to the patient, and together they overcame all the difficulties of rehabilitation. The young girl has achieved great results in the recovery of her fine motor skills and her biggest wish came true: she learnt again to use a computer keyboard.
In October 2016 Slavyanka and her mother came to Greece for treatment at the Medical & Rehabilitation centre “Anagennisi”. Doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists started their painstaking work. Verticalization, training at everyday activities and an independent life became a very difficult experience for Slavyanka. Nonetheless, patience and love for their job helped her therapists to find the correct approach to the patient, and together they overcame all the difficulties of rehabilitation. The young girl has achieved great results in the recovery of her fine motor skills and her biggest wish came true: she learnt again to use a computer keyboard.
Slavyanka’s most beloved therapy was hydrotherapy; inside the water she felt like she could walk again.
Beautiful young girl stopped taking pictures of herself after the accident, due to the 10-centimetre scar on her neck, and she always wore dark glasses so as to cover her ptosis. And yet plastic surgeon Athanasios Eksadaktilos fixed everything by blepharoplasty and treatment of neck scar. The scar has entirely disappeared, and her eyelid got the right form. Slavyanka likes again to have her photographs taken, she is learning to live again and is looking forward to the future with optimism!
Beautiful young girl stopped taking pictures of herself after the accident, due to the 10-centimetre scar on her neck, and she always wore dark glasses so as to cover her ptosis. And yet plastic surgeon Athanasios Eksadaktilos fixed everything by blepharoplasty and treatment of neck scar. The scar has entirely disappeared, and her eyelid got the right form. Slavyanka likes again to have her photographs taken, she is learning to live again and is looking forward to the future with optimism!