Chatzisotiriou Athanasios Neurosurgeon Doctor Athanasios Chatzisotiriou graduated from the School of Medicine of Aristotle University with a general grade of “Excellent”. He completed his specialization in Neurosurgery at the University Clinic of...
Peios Dimitrios Neurosurgeon, M.D. Works with in Interbalkan Medical Center, St Lukes Hospital and GenikiKliniki, as well as the rehabilitation center “The Anagennisis” and retains a private practice. He completed his Medical Degree at the Medical School of the...
Neurosurgery Zountsas Vasilis Dr Vassilis Zountsas is a Chief Consultant Neurosurgeon in neurosurgical department in Evangelic St. Luces Hospital in Panorama Thessaloniki (Greece). Over 2500 Operations. Brain-skull: Conducting interventions entire spectrum of...