Zountsas Vasilis

Zountsas Vasilis

Neurosurgery Zountsas Vasilis Dr Vassilis Zountsas is a Chief Consultant Neurosurgeon in neurosurgical department in Evangelic St. Luces Hospital in Panorama Thessaloniki (Greece). Over 2500 Operations. Brain-skull: Conducting interventions entire spectrum of...


Neurosurgery The human-centered care combined with the many years of experience of the medical staff makes the department and its people experts in the field of Neurosurgery throughout Greece and the wider region. With small, high-precision incisions and...

S from Saint-Petersburg

  A 40-year-old Russian male came for rehabilitation 2 months after motorcycle accident with the diagnosis of closed brain injury, condition after hematoma of the corpus callosum and motor and hyperkinetic disorders. Thanks to Dr. Arousoukouris Ioannis (neurologist)...


In 2009, 20-year-old Kazim had a serious car accident. He was in a critical situatuion, but fortunately he survived. However, his life after the accident was very difficult with serious diagnoses: traumatic brain injury, spinal stenosis with compression fracture of...
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