Sideridis Aristotelis Orthopaedic Surgeon Born in 1968 in Thessaloniki. He graduated from High School in 1986. He graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1992. Languages: English, French Professional practice: While studying...
Symeonidis Panos Dr Panos Symeonidis, MD, PhD is a fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in Thessaloniki, Greece. He has been trained in the UK, Australia, Germany and the USA. His special interests are Foot and Ankle surgery and Dance Medicine. His skills...
Sinopidis Christos Dr Christos Sinopidis is an Orthopaedic Consultant Specialized in Arthroscopic and reconstructive Surgery of the Shoulder and elbow joints, based at St Lukes Hospital in Thessaloniki since 2010. He practiced as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at...
Papacostas Emmanouel Dr Emmanuel Papacostas is a Sports Orthopaedic Surgeon Specialized in Arthroscopic and reconstructive Surgery of the Knee, Foot and Ankle. Treatment of large chondral and osteochondral defects of the knee with matrix autologous chondrocyte...